Long Description | <DIV class="cityaspfont"><ul class= "fotocolumn"><li class="brewfoto"><IMG SRC="/Pictures/Cities/Ulm_PostOffice.JPG" BORDER=0 WIDTH=222 HEIGHT=140 ALIGN=BASELINE><p class="fotocap">Local Post Office</p><p><p class="fotocred">Photo courtesy: MTOT</p></li><li class="brewfoto"><IMG SRC="/Pictures/Cities/Ulm_Town.JPG" BORDER=0 WIDTH=222 HEIGHT=140 ALIGN=BASELINE><p class="fotocap">Town View</p><p class="fotocred">Photo courtesy: MTOT </p></li><li class="brewfoto"><IMG SRC="/Pictures/Cities/Ulm_BentonLakeNatlRefuge.JPG" BORDER=0 WIDTH=222 HEIGHT=140 ALIGN=BASELINE><p class="fotocap">Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge</p><p class="fotocred">Photo courtesy: Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge</p></li><li class="brewfoto"><IMG SRC="/Pictures/Cities/Ulm_FirstPeoplesBuffaloJump.JPG" BORDER=0 WIDTH=222 HEIGHT=140 ALIGN=BASELINE><p class="fotocap">First Peoples Buffalo Jump</p><pclass="fotocred">Photo courtesy: First Peoples Buffalo Jump</p></li></ul>
<P>Ulm, twelve miles southwest of <a href="/categories/City.asp?CityID=147">Great Falls</a>, was named for William Ulm, who had a ranch here, and whose land included the present townsite. The town became a shipping center for wheat from the surrounding benchlands. (from Cheney's <I>Names on the Face of Montana</I>, Mountain Press Publishing Company)</P> <P>Visit <a href="/categories/moreinfo.asp?SiteID=1&IDRRecordID=3100">First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park</a> to see what is believed to be one of the largest buffalo kill sites in the United States. Though not actually part of the Lewis and Clark route, Lewis described in great detail these buffalo kills, and Ulm Pishkun gives visitors a way to see what Lewis described in his journal. There are many public fishing access areas along Frontage Road, and it is a popular place for river floaters to start their floats. The area offers great fishing on the Missouri River and the Smith River.</P><P>Ulm is also not far from <a href="/categories/moreinfo.asp?SiteID=1&IDRRecordID=714">Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge</a>. The refuge covers 12,383 acres on the western edge of the Great Plains. The lake is actually a 5,000-acre shallow marsh in a closed basin created by the last continental glacier to occupy the area. The refuge lands support a great variety of water birds with both nesting and migration habitat.</P> |
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