Victor, MT

Long Description<DIV class="cityaspfont"><ul class= "fotocolumn"><li class="brewfoto"><IMG SRC="/Pictures/Cities/Victor_Church.JPG" BORDER=0 WIDTH=117 HEIGHT=187 ALIGN=BASELINE><p class="fotocap">Church</p><p class="fotocred">Photo courtesy: MTOT</p></li></ul> <P>Victor, near Stevensville, was named for a great Flathead Indian chief. (from Cheney's <I>Names on the Face of Montana</I>, Mountain Press Publishing Company) Victor is nestled in the beautiful Bitterroot Valley and offers endless recreational opportunities, including plenty of fishing along the Bitterroot River. The 1.6-million-acre Bitterroot National Forest surrounding Victor is part of the Northern Rocky Mountains. National Forest land begins above the foothills of the Bitterroot River Valley in two mountain ranges, the Bitterroot Mountains on the west and the Sapphire Mountains on the east side of the valley.</P> <P>Explore the Victor Heritage Museum housed in the railroad depot. The museum is operated by volunteers to preserve the rich heritage of the area including mining, railroad, Native American exhibits, schools, churches, business, ranching, natural resources, and everyday life.</P> <P>Victor is in between Hamilton, home of the Daly Mansion, and Stevensville. The Lee Metcalfe National Wildlife Refuge is also nearby.</P>
Date Created12/22/2004 11:43:04 AM
Locator Id10003530
Map HTML Tag<map name="nearbycities"><area shape="rect" alt="Wisdom, Montana" coords="151,201,205,222" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=365"><area shape="rect" alt="Wise River, Montana" coords="218,172,248,196" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=366"><area shape="rect" alt="Melrose, Montana" coords="221,226,249,238" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=221"><area shape="rect" alt="Sula, Montana" coords="81,167,116,185" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=319"><area shape="rect" alt="Conner, Montana" coords="66,148,114,159" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=72"><area shape="rect" alt="Darby, Montana" coords="60,131,107,146" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=85"><area shape="rect" alt="Grantsdale, Montana" coords="77,107,134,119" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=145"><area shape="rect" alt="Anaconda, Montana" coords="163,125,238,151" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=6"><area shape="rect" alt="Hamilton, Montana" coords="66,90,141,106" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=151"><area shape="rect" alt="Philipsburg, Montana" coords="187,80,248,96" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=254"><area shape="rect" alt="Victor, Montana" coords="72,56,110,72" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=342"><area shape="rect" alt="Pinesdale, Montana" coords="28,73,76,89" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=255"><area shape="rect" alt="Corvallis, Montana" coord
Map X212
Map Y485
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Zip code59875

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