Roberts, MT

Long Description<DIV class="cityaspfont"><ul class= "fotocolumn"><li class="brewfoto"><IMG SRC="/Pictures/Cities/Roberts_GeneralStore.JPG" BORDER=0 WIDTH=117 HEIGHT=187 ALIGN=BASELINE><p class="fotocap">Roberts General Store</p><p class="fotocred">Photo courtesy: Rockvale Camp</p></li></ul> <p>Roberts, on Rock Creek between <a href="/categories/City.asp?CityID=273">Red Lodge</a> and <a href="/categories/City.asp?CityID=194">Laurel</a>, was originally a Northern Pacific siding called Merritt. Old-timers say that the town was named for Frank Robers, the railroad express manager, who was said to be so obliging that he endeared himself to everyone along the route. Others, say it was named for W. Milnor Roberts, chief engineer on the Northern Pacific.(from Cheney's <I>Names on the Face of Montana</I>, Mountain Press Publishing Company)</p> <p>Roberts has a general store with the motto "if we don't have it, you don't need it." This small town is just a few miles from <a href="/categories/moreinfo.asp?SiteID=1&IDRRecordID=3093">Cooney State Park</a>, an irrigation reservoir that is a popular recreation area serving south-central Montana offering boating, swimming, camping and fishing. Attractions include good walleye and rainbow trout fishing. 75 camping spots are available on this large 317.6-acre site. Further south is the <a href="/categories/moreinfo.asp?SiteID=1&IDRRecordID=10398">Beartooth All-American Road</a>, designated an All-American Road in 2002, it has been described by former CBS correspondent Charles Kuralt as 'the most beautiful drive in America'.</p>
Date Created12/22/2004 11:43:04 AM
Locator Id10002890
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Map X843
Map Y712
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Zip code59070

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