Mccabe, MT

Long Description<DIV class="cityaspfont"><ul class= "fotocolumn"><li class="brewfoto"><IMG SRC="/Pictures/Cities/McCabe_FortPeckIndian.JPG" BORDER=0 WIDTH=222 HEIGHT=140 ALIGN=BASELINE><p class="fotocap">Fort Peck Indian Reservation</p><p class="fotocred">Photo courtesy: MTOT</p></li><li class="brewfoto"><IMG SRC="/Pictures/Cities/McCabe_MedLakeRefuge.JPG" BORDER=0 WIDTH=222 HEIGHT=140 ALIGN=BASELINE><p class="fotocap">Medicine Lake Wildlife Refuge</p><p class="fotocred">Photo courtesy: Medicine Lake Wildlife Refuge</p></li></ul> <p>McCabe was named for the first white man who settled on the creek that was later named McCabe Creek, between the Big Muddy River and the North Dakota border.(from Cheney's <I>Names on the Face of Montana</I>, Mountain Press Publishing Company) The town is located in the extreme northeastern corner of the state.</p><P><a href="/categories/moreinfo.asp?SiteID=1&IDRRecordID=720">Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge</a> is located on the heavily glaciated rolling plains of northeastern Montana, between the <a href="/categories/moreinfo.asp?SiteID=1&IDRRecordID=713">Missouri River</a> and the Canadian Border. The Refuge consists of two tracts. The 28,396-acre north tract, which includes the 8,213-acre Medicine Lake proper, five smaller lakes, and numerous potholes and the smaller 3,264-acre south tract, which contains the 1,280-acre Homestead Lake.</p><P>Thousands of migrating waterfowl make their summer home at Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Great blue herons, white pelicans, sandhill cranes, grebes and twelve different species of ducks share the prairie lake ecosystem. Medicine Lake Wilderness Area, located within and adjacent to the Wildlife Refuge, covers 11,366 acres.</p><P>The nearby <a href="/places_to_go/indian_nations/nakoda-dakota-fort-peck/">Fort Peck Indian Reservation</a> is home to Sioux and Assinniboine and encompasses more than 2 million acres of land just east of <a href="/categories/moreinfo.asp?SiteID=1&IDRRecordID=2181">Fort Peck Lake</a>, almost to North Dakota, and from 50 miles south of Canada to the Missouri River in the south. <a href="/categories/moreinfo.asp?SiteID=1&IDRRecordID=400">Poplar Museum</a> features tribal history and artifacts.</p>
Date Created12/22/2004 11:43:04 AM
Locator Id10002230
Map HTML Tag<map name="nearbycities"><area shape="rect" alt="Vida, Montana" coords="37,206,77,221" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=343"><area shape="rect" alt="Wolf Point, Montana" coords="29,169,121,192" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=368"><area shape="rect" alt="Poplar, Montana" coords="90,153,119,169" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=262"><area shape="rect" alt="Brockton, Montana" coords="132,158,177,173" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=43"><area shape="rect" alt="Bainville, Montana" coords="204,144,241,166" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=14"><area shape="rect" alt="McCabe, Montana" coords="185,127,227,143" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=218"><area shape="rect" alt="Froid, Montana" coords="174,107,202,125" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=129"><area shape="rect" alt="Medicine Lake, Montana" coords="121,85,183,98" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=220"><area shape="rect" alt="Dagmar, Montana" coords="188,77,220,91" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=84"><area shape="rect" alt="Reserve, Montana" coords="141,69,183,79" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=276"><area shape="rect" alt="Antelope, Montana" coords="184,45,215,62" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=8"><area shape="rect" alt="Westby, Montana" coords="212,11,238,32" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=351"><area shape="rect" alt="Raymond, Montana" coords="1
Map X1438
Map Y170
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Zip code59218

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