Garrison, MT

Long Description<DIV class="cityaspfont"><ul class= "fotocolumn"><li class="brewfoto"><IMG SRC="/Pictures/Cities/Garrison_welcome.JPG" BORDER=0 WIDTH=222 HEIGHT=140 ALIGN=BASELINE><p class="fotocap">Welcome!</p><p class="fotocred">Photo courtesy: John Ansotegui</p></li><li class="brewfoto"><IMG SRC="/Pictures/Cities/Garrison_LocalBusinesses.JPG" BORDER=0 WIDTH=222 HEIGHT=140 ALIGN=BASELINE><p class="fotocap">Local Businesses</p><p class="fotocred">Photo courtesy: John Ansotegui</p></li></ul> <p>Garrison is named for William Lloyd Garrison, an anti-slavery leader. Perhaps some Yankee veteran from the Civil War had come for the gold rush and settled in the valley and named it after the man he most admired. It developed into a railroad town tucked in between the Clark Fork River and a high bluff. The Northern Pacific trains from <a href="/categories/City.asp?CityID=49">Butte</a> and <a href="/categories/City.asp?CityID=162">Helena</a> met there and continued on to <a href="/categories/City.asp?CityID=227">Missoula</a> as one line. (from Cheney's <I>Names on the Face of Montana</I>, Mountain Press Publishing Company) </p><p>Garrison is not far from the 1,500-acre <a href="">Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site</a> in Deer Lodge, which illustrates the development of the Northern Plains cattle industry from the 1850s to recent times. This was the headquarters area of one of the largest and best known 19th-century range ranches in the country. Today the ranch house, bunkhouse and outbuildings are much as they were during ranch operations from the 1860s through the 1960s.</p>
Date Created12/22/2004 11:43:04 AM
Locator Id10001370
Map HTML Tag<map name="nearbycities"><area shape="rect" alt="Seeley Lake, Montana" coords="5,5,97,29" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=302"><area shape="rect" alt="Ovando, Montana" coords="46,34,101,50" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=248"><area shape="rect" alt="Wolf Creek, Montana" coords="198,50,249,69" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=367"><area shape="rect" alt="Greenough, Montana" coords="20,44,43,64" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=148"><area shape="rect" alt="Greenough, Montana" coords="43,55,60,64" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=148"><area shape="rect" alt="Lincoln, Montana" coords="99,63,160,91" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=200"><area shape="rect" alt="Helmville, Montana" coords="47,65,93,83" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=163"><area shape="rect" alt="Canyon Creek, Montana" coords="143,95,195,109" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=52"><area shape="rect" alt="Drummond, Montana" coords="43,99,111,118" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=96"><area shape="rect" alt="Gold Creek, Montana" coords="73,119,124,138" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=144"><area shape="rect" alt="Hall, Montana" coords="34,126,66,139" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=150"><area shape="rect" alt="Garrison, Montana" coords="90,144,129,160" href="/categories/city.asp?CityID=135"><area shape="rect" alt="Anaconda, Montana" coords="5
Map X393
Map Y484
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Zip code59731

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